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Lean Six Sigma

Central Coast Lean has developed a Lean Six Sigma “Course Suite” to better support the training needs of students, organizations, and individuals, on the Central Coast. The suite will include black and green belt training and certification for undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals.

Workshop particiants playing lean simulation game.

Green Belt

Development of a comprehensive set of skills to effectively function as a lean six sigma leader.

Workshop particiants playing lean simulation game. Closeup.

Black Belt

The first step in the Cal Poly Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification process.

After completing these courses, you should be able to:

  1. Communicate using Lean Six Sigma concepts. 

  2. Think about an organization as a collection of processes, with inputs that determine the output.

  3. Relate Lean Six Sigma concepts to the overall business mission and objectives.

  4. Use the concept of a Sigma Level to evaluate the capability of a process or organization

  5. Understand and apply the five-step D-M-A-I-C model as a framework to organize process improvement activity.

  6. Employ a wide range of process improvement techniques, including Design of Experiments, within the D-M-A-I-C model.

  7. Recognize the organizational factors that are necessary groundwork for a successful Lean Six Sigma effort.

  8. Employ your Lean Six Sigma skills to lead a successful process improvement project delivering meaningful results to the organization.


Green Belt Training Hall of Fame 

Our Green Training course, combines online MoreSteam lessons with hybrid lectures to give students a broad understanding of Lean Six Sigma. Click the link below to see a list of students who have recieved an A in this class! 

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